Saturday, December 30, 2017

Merry Christmas and 2017 Can Kiss My Butt!

Christmas Party at GES
Christmas break from GMS and GES is coming to a close quickly. We enjoyed some fun times over break, including spending some special time with friends and family.  I was rushed to the doctor on Friday last week with very high blood pressure readings.  I knew it too because my head was pounding, shoulders were hurting, and a general feeling of malaise.  Thankfully, it seems it is just stress.  Hmm, I wonder why?

Dad continues to thrive at Assisted Living and I am very pleased with his space and care.  Mom is still her crazy self.

Over break I was blessed to take Matthew to Channel 6 to visit my friend Bill Fitzgerald.  Matthew and I were treated to a star tour.  We even treated the staff to three dozen doughnuts from Krispy Kreme.

We hope all of you have a great year!

One of Matthew's best friends. I love her!
Candace Burns shares her basketball story.

Weather Guy!
Candace Burns and Bill Fitzgerald!
Nothing better than a new toy!

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