Monday, May 17, 2010

Reunion weekend!

Well, after we got through Friday, we were off and running. Matthew was sick again one day last week, diarrhea due to bad pudding. Tuesday was not a fun night. Friday, my day off, we were stuck at the house waiting on the Direct TV dude. We have a new satellite dish! Yay! Our old dish was not receiving local channels, we got them now! I couldn't stand not being able to watch The Biggest Loser, and my husband was about to have a fit because he could not receive Lost. Yay for Direct TV, we love you guys!

Saturday, we got up early (6 a.m.) and ate breakfast. I dragged Matthew upstairs so I could do Jillian Michaels Banish Fat Boost Metabolism exercise video. I use our portable DVD player and jump around while Matthew plays with toys and watches TV. It worked out perfectly. I then went and got Taz (our cat) his insulin. Another $115 in the bucket. I love my cat and I believe as a pet owner, you are responsible for their health, but whoa, he's going to kill me financially.

We then hit the road to beautiful Madison, VA for our family reunion. This is an annual event, and while I'm less than enthusiastic about going, I packed Matthew up and headed on up 64. We had a blast, and Matthew truly enjoyed himself playing with his cousins, tossing balls, and rolling cars around in the grass. How selfish of me at the thought of keeping him at home. It was a long day, and by the time we got home, I was whipped. My allergies have also been on a roller coaster due to something in the air. Our babysitter and friend said she's experiencing the same troubles here lately.

Sunday was church day, and John and I had our volunteering duties with the nursery, one more month and we're done for the year. FOUR boys the whole hour. Yikes, they were into everything, and one was real high need crying "momma" every few minutes. But he was really cute and I was more than happy to carry him around for a while! He's younger than Matthew and makes you have the itch for another one, but I think I need to scratch it briefly and move on! :) I then met one of Matthew's room mothers, and we completed a gift for his pre-school teacher with a footprint. Matthew was not happy at first about the whole experience, and then got over it rather quickly. We then attended a luncheon for volunteers at church in honor of Sterling Moore. Sterling was the ultimate volunteer and great guy! He died last year from the human form of mad cow disease, it was a horrible death and not deserved. He was the ultimate example for all of us to live by.

Arrived home, went for a run, and took Matthew out on his trike. It was an awesome weekend with my boy, here's looking forward to many more. And I still think Madison, Virginia is one of the prettiest places in the state of Virginia!!!

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