We have had some great weekends, and this one did not disappoint either. I had four days off, super awesome! I did put Matthew with our sitter on Friday, so I could power wash the entire front porch. Because of all the snow this past winter, our front porch was MOLD central, yuck! I Cloroxed everything, including the decking. The side of our house that faces the woods has mold growing on it as well, the stupid power washer kept kicking the breaker, so I had to do a lot of it the old fashioned way. And wouldn't ya know? ...I ran out of Clorox too, so session 2 with the power washer will be forthcoming.....
I picked Matthew up and ran some errands down in Richmond. We went to Short Pump Town Center and ate lunch. I wanted to take him on the Short Pump Express, but the doo doo heads would not take Visa for tickets, and the ATM machine was broken. It was kind of a shitty Friday. John and I were at each other most of the day as well. Saturday was much more family friendly. I went for a run, and got to enjoy some girl time away from home, with a shopping jaunt to Target. People were freaking nuts trying to find gifts for their children. I then went to a bridal shower for the future wife of a kid I used to babysit...insert old fart here! Home, dinner, and a fantastic time visiting our neighbors. They have an enclosed (mesh) trampoline, and Summit and Matthew jumped around on there. My kid was way too happy, and fell asleep after his bath in no time....yay for jumping!
Sunday was Easter. We did the church thing, went out to lunch with mom to Red Lobster....it's truly tradition for mom and I to go out to lunch on Sundays after church.....and did some Easter basket opening of gifts. I had off on Monday due to my flex schedule, so I spent much time with the boy! We went to Car Pool to get the Matrix cleaned up....yucko inside....we then headed to Short Pump Town Center and visited the petting zoo which is set up strictly for this week. Matthew was not happy about the 20 minute wait to get into the tent area, but then he was like a kid in the candy store. He was so happy, and it actually bought tears to my eyes. We then headed over to ride the Short Pump Express choo choo, and ate some pizza......well, I did a Chick Fil A salad. It was a stellar day with my son and he fell asleep almost as soon as I put him in the car.
As for the whole Weight Watchers thing, I'm still on track, no more weight loss, but no gain either. Instead of running daily, I've been supplementing with Jillian ...from the Biggest Loser....some of her videos. She's tough as nails and I can see a lot more muscular definition since starting her videos. Awesomeness, and I still have yet to buy a new bathing suit for the beach...eek.
Have a super blessed week everyone!
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