Monday, August 17, 2009

Couple of crappy weeks...

We've all been sick with colds. I went to the doctor on Friday, and was diagnosed with a sinus infection AND a double ear infection. Nice huh? I thought these little cold germies had gone to bed for the summer, but I guess not. Matthew started us off with the colds, and John seemed to heal rather quickly, Matthew and I are still snorting and coughing.

This past week we did go to Busch Gardens for the day. We took Matthew to the Sesame Street Breakfast with Elmo. I've never seen a kid more delighted to see the characters do a dance on stage and have his picture taken with them. He is now officially the Cookie Monster stalker. Every time I let him down to walk around, he went after Cookie Monster with a vengeance. My heart did do a meltdown when Cookie Monster got down on one knee and Matthew threw his arms around him, it was priceless and a precious moment to witness. We returned home around 2, to rest and do some grocery shopping.

This past weekend was not real exciting. I played with the little guy, we went out to eat at Cheesecake Factory as a family on Saturday evening, and walked the mall. It was hot. I really wanted to take Matthew swimming, but was leery since we are all still suffering from colds/sinus infections. I have only been walking on the treadmill the past few days, running is out of the question. My lungs are still too tight from being sick. I am now on antibiotics, so improving slowly. I did run some yesterday, and survived the trauma of it all. Matthew being sick has totally messed up his sleep schedule. Crap, here we go again. He woke up at 3 a.m. screaming his bloody head off. I rocked him back to sleep, but then I couldn't get any rest. I know it will get easier, but WHEN???

Sunday we skipped church because everyone has been sick, and the last thing I need to do is to put Matthew in a germ-infested room when his immune system is already struggling. We opted to stay home, I did meet mom for lunch at Red Lobster however, and enjoyed our time together. Matthew was napping when I got home, so I put him on our bed while I watched TV. His nap didn't last long. John gave me a much-needed break and they went riding on the tractor around the neighborhood. I did a 6 mile run, took a shower and enjoyed some quality family time.

Will keep you guys better up to date. When I'm sick, I just don't feel like writing.
Love to you all.

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