Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Holy Smokes....

I have definitely not written in a while! Yikes!

Well, we haven't had a lot going on here recently, just the usual, being parents, being sleep-deprived, etc. Matthew has given us a week of good nights, and then starting on Friday, he has been waking up. No doubt, more teeth are getting ready to surface. We have a little drool, a little biting, and a lot of fussiness. I think I'm going to try the Tylenol again tonight.

Last week I turned 39. You've always heard the phrase 39 and holding, well I'm finally here. It's so hard to believe! I can vividly remember days of snowball fights, hanging out with neighbors at cookouts, sipping iced tea by my parents' pool, high school, and college days. Remember seven years of teaching (and oh lord the last year, I'd really like to forget), and eight years here at PBS have gone by quickly. I adored teaching and my students, but hated all the other political garbage that went along with it. Sometimes I wish I could turn back the clock and enjoy some of those special moments with friends, and even correct some of my own wrongdoings. I'm sure I'm not the only one out there.

It's hard to believe 8 years here at Sesame Street have flown by so quickly, but given the fact that I get greeted daily by Cookie Monster and Big Bird has so many perks. I can't wait to introduce Matthew to all that cuteness!

And as for marriage, I had really given up on finding the right one, and really didn't give a crap if I did or not. I had my cute little house, and my two cats, and was content on becoming and being an old maid. Granted, I've always wanted kid(s) (and am so blessed with little Matthew), and lucky for me John came into my life. Who would have thunk visiting another church one Sunday would end up where we are today? We all have our trials, and God knows He's heard ours, but I think we'll make it through just fine. We just have to remember He will always be first in our lives and everything else should fall into place. And if another kid comes along, that's okay too... husband got to name Matthew, if there's another in our future, it's my turn.

My spirituality I think has hit a new level within the past week. Someone (click to read her blog) passed away after a long battle with leukemia. To tell you the truth, I've had a real hard time dealing with it....someone so young dying with such a fight and to unfortunately leave behind that precious boy, I can't even fathom it. I went back and read her blog from start to finish. I literally laughed out loud at many of her posts. At her funeral they mentioned her potty mouth, oh for sure...and in her writing too. RIP in Amanda, but I bet you're blogging in heaven too. Her husband is keeping us up to date on his adventures with the little one, so if you feel so inclined, read. I find much humor in his writings.

Anyway, to provide some closure to all of this I bought the book 90 Minutes with God. Unfortunately, I haven't had time to dive into it yet. My boss and I have talked about it frequently, and she said that it will provide a lot of peace for anyone who reads it. That there is definitely a place for us to rest and to share glory with God. Maybe as I read, I'll try to blog on it. Someone else has recommended Never Say Goodbye, so may read that one too.

We're excited now too to have Matthew registered with our church for daycare in the fall. It's only one day per week, but will instill Christian values in him and also enhance his peer relationships with SBC. As one of my peers says, I'm totally stoked about it!

Quite a few of you have emailed about the road rage incident, nothing became of it. I reported information to the police, and as far as I know, it's all hearsay from this point on out. I am very leery however, when I drive by her house on the way home daily. Not a good thing to have plates with your name on them, lesson learned.

God bless all of you and have a wonderful week. Looking forward to a 3 day weekend with my little guy. We're visiting with a teacher friend and her kids this Saturday, so it should be a fun time.


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