Monday, September 24, 2007

So I've been slack...

Sorry guys that I didn't post anything last week. I have been so crazy busy at PBS, that I haven't had much time to breathe. Much less, my allergies are nuts. This kid is really affecting my sinuses.

Woohoo, week #20, we are halfway there. Well, I am, John doesn't understand that it's me carrying this kid, not him.

I cleaned AGAIN this weekend. John and I went Saturday to the Home Depot and bought $700 worth of stuff, mostly a water softener and a filter system. We need to take care of this well water before baby gets here. My hubby is going to be busy for the next few weeks :) Let's just hope he knows what he's doing. We then went to Fox Pizza, our new pizza joint in Goochland, John got a mini pizza and I got a Chef's salad. Pregnant or not, I'm still trying to stay healthy!

On Sunday, John and I attended church. I came home and finished cleaning house, then went for a six mile walk at the YMCA. I went to the store and picked up stuff for our company picnic today, which ought to be a hoot! I made a broccoli casserole last night and a pasta salad. The salad is for the picnic and the casserole was for me and baby. I wanted to bring some for lunch today, but couldn't find any Gladware bowls, so I guess during my lunch hour and run to Target I'll see what I can find there so I can bring some for lunch tomorrow.

John and I are heading to the State Fair of Virginia this Saturday. I'm so excited! I love the fair! We're going to play games and two of my photographs were entered into their competition. I won 2 years ago, so we'll see how I do this go round. I keep checking their website for contest updates, but only the wine competition has been posted so far. Gawd how I miss a good glass of wine and a smoke on the front porch! Life will return to normal one of these days :)

God bless to all of you and I'll post some pictures from the Fair. :)

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